Is Equity Release Safe?

The facts and the myths.

Is Equity Release Safe?

The facts and the myths.

Is Equity Release Safe?

The facts and the myths.

Is Equity Release Safe?

The facts and the myths.

Is Equity Release Safe?

The facts and the myths.


Hello and welcome to my site that’s dedicated to Equity Release. If you’ve found your way here you’re probably considering releasing money from your home and just want to know a bit more about how it works.

I feel there’s a need for a plain English, simple to read and understand guide. There’s so much negative information and scaremongering about Equity Release, particularly on social media sites. The way equity is released these days is so much more flexible than it was only a couple of years ago, it can be structured just like a conventional mortgage if that’s what you want.

The purpose of this site is to explain in simple terms how Equity Release works. I’ll explain what you can expect and how it might affect your beneficiaries, the future value of your estate and your eligibility to claim or continue to claim means-tested benefits.

I’ll also go through the common myths and misconceptions that are propagated through social media. I’ll be the first to say that Equity Release is not for everyone. If it’s not right for you then walk away. There should never be any pressure in this decision-making process.

My name’s Alan Rait and I’m an Equity Release Specialist working with Yorkshire Equity Release. If you have any questions please contact me directly, my details are on the “Contacts” page.